The Appalachian Singlefoot Horse Breed
Association, Inc. (ASHBA) was established in 1981 to preserve the
nearly extinct diagonally gaited horse. Dr. J. G. Betts, a well-respected
veterinarian, founded the Association along with 23 other horse
enthusiasts in the Appalachian Mountains of Western North Carolina.
Properly gaiting horses were accepted from various sources to produce
the foundation stock.
Extremely high standards of conformation
and temperament were established in order to develop a gene pool
that would be consistent in breeding diagonally gaited singlefooting
horses. The gait is natural and artificial training devices or procedures
are neither allowed nor necessary. The Constitutions and Bylaws
of the Association insist upon humane treatment for the horses and
training is through kindness, repetition, and persistence. Through
the years, several breed associations have been established to preserve
the laterally gaited horses but little effort has been devoted to
the rare broken-trot or diagonal gait.
The diagonal gait is defined as a 'broken
trot.' The horse breaks up the two-beat trot into the evenly cadenced
four-beat diagonal singlefoot in which one foot is always pressed
squarely on the ground. The other three follow in a touchdown, airborne,
and lift-off sequence to complete the evenly timed four-beat stride
(one-two-three-four.) The action comes from the pull in the front
and the push in the rear to smoothly move the horse forward with
little effort and ensure proper equilibrium allowing the horse to
move extremely sure-footed.
There is no side to side sway as in
the lateral gait and no up and down movement as in the trot. The
hoofs are carried close to the ground; there is no exaggerated leg
elevation, and no outward or inward swing. When the rider is seated
correctly at the horse's center of gravity, there is no energy-expended
lifting the rider's weight up and down. The horses are line gaited
and cap their tracks - leaving 'two tracks in the sand.' The gait
should not be confused with the lateral singlefoot (broken-pace
or stepping pace) as seen in the lateral breeds.
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