The Pantaneiro originated in the Norther
Mato Grosso, in Brazil. Usually the turnout of colors tends to be
45% gray, 17% bay, 13% black and white, and 10% brown. The breed
is well suited to the temporary flood conditions found in the Pantanal
region. This horse is reported to be resistant, to the point of
immunity, to the contagious disease Equine Infectious Anemia. This
resistance has made them the ideal mount in the swampy regions of
their native land.
These horses are not light like a lot
of other horse breeds, but are not suitable for pulling or great
speeds. They have long legs, which should be an indicator that they
are good for speed, but genetics says that they are not. There have
been a lot of studies done on this breed, and a lot of information
is available on those.
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