Equine Kingdom website

Asturian Quiz

1. By what other name is the Asturian pony known?

  • Galiceno

  • Galician

  • Camargue

  • Chakouyi

2. Which ancient breed can the Asturian be traced back to?

  • Batak

  • Peneia

  • Manipuri

  • Celtic Pony

3. What has been a threat to this breed in the past?

  • Civilization

  • Telephones

  • Extinction

  • Wild animals

4. What form does their back take on?

  • Straight

  • Dipped

  • Curved

  • Swayed

5. What is the shortest height of the Asturian Pony?

  • 10.2 to 15.1 hh

  • 11.1 to 12.2 hh

  • 12.3 to 14.1 hh

  • 13.0 to 14.0 hh

(highlight the area below with your mouse to see answers)

1. B 2. D

3. C

4. A 5. B
For more information of the Asturian pony breed, click here. Or you can just go there to search for the answers to this quiz.

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