Bucket Ball
What you'll need
- Medium or large bucket
- Large whiffle balls (can be bought inexpensively at Wal-Mart in the sporting goods section)
- OR foam balls (about double the size of your fist)
- Set the bucket on a chair or mounting steps at one end of the arena, with nothing around it
to run into
- Stand at the opposite end of the arena with the balls
Rider goes to you for a ball, rides to the other end of the arena, and deposits the ball into
the bucket. Repeat until all balls have been used.
- Walk, trot, or canter to the bucket
- Rider stops at bucket before throwing ball
- Rider keeps going past bucket and throws ball in while moving
- Rider stops a certain distance away for a far throw
- Use a smaller bucket for a more challenging throw
- Have two riders doing this at the same time, without running into each other
- Throw the ball to the student instead of handing it to them
- Weave through cones on the way to the bucket
Added Benefits:
This game teaches riders the skill of coordination, due to the challenge of getting a ball into
a bucket while continuing to control the horse at the chosen gait. It's hard to keep a horse trotting
right past the bucket, and throw the ball in at the same time! Games like this help take the focus
of concentrating on everything at once and focus on having fun, which usually ends up helping students
ride better anyway.
Thanks to Catherine and Angel for being willing participants!