Equine Kingdom website

Ring Toss

Ring Toss

What you'll need

  • Tall cone
  • Plastic or rubber rings large enough to fit over cone


  • Set cone in a clear area of the arena
  • Have rings collected somewhere accessible


Rider tosses rings onto cone. "Ring around the cone"


  • Rider tosses rings from farther away
  • Walk/trot/canter and toss rings
  • Rider closes eyes and throws rings
  • Advanced riders: Rider starts on one end of the ring, rides quickly to a certain line, stops and dismounts, then throws rings from line, remounts, and rides back to finish line

Added benefits:

Hand-to-eye-coordination is one of the added benefits to this game. Teaches student how to throw things without startling horse, balance/coordination and good posture (did you ever try to slump when you were throwing something?)


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