Annica and Libby waiting to enter Halter
 Maggie and her dad and Prissy
 Tribute to the American Flag
 Sally and Prissy waiting to enter Halter class
 Sally, Prissy, Annica, Libby in lineup
 Sally and Annica riding in the Pairs Class
 Sticking together in the Pairs class
 We won the Pairs class!
 Bradley in his first class ever
 Maggie riding Libby
 Yaaaay Bradley!!
 Maggie and Libby
 Annica and Libby
 Prissy's first Hunter Hack class
 Riding Prissy in a pleasure class
 Eric waiting to take Prissy in Western Halter
 Eric and Prissy, western halter class
 Waiting in lineup
 Our halter class champs
 We were the only ones that didn't stop when we picked up the water bottle...
 Backing thru the poles for trail class...which we won, by the way..
 Hooray a ribbon!
 Cowboy and Lady
 Eric lost his hat somewhere along the way!
 all in a row...
 Eric and Prissy in western walk/jog class
 Riding Prissy in a western pleasure class
 Eric riding Prissy